Using AI tools to improve the efficiency, accessibility and availability of remote viewing tasks like monitoring, feature extraction for scoring and more.
Michael Nolivos
AI models like ChatGPT have taken the world by storm and are receiving significant and rapid adoption towards novel use cases of AI. This talk moves the conversation towards using AI as a tool to enhance and improve service delivery of remote viewing practitioners.
This talk will present novel methods for using AI to enhance or potentially automate remote viewing procedures like target feature extraction for multi-modal scoring, monitoring and more. There is a growing community of remote viewers who are interested in online testing and accuracy scoring. This talk will show how using tools like ChatGPT and other readily available, open source AI models can enhance, automate and even break ground with applications in the field of remote viewing. The usage of these tools seeks to improve efficiency and availability of pre-existing tasks in remote viewing such that they are more readily available, more accessible and more integrated to serve this growing online audience.