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The Situation Room: Remote Viewing Research News Flash

Formal, Applied, Archival, & Community Updates

Debra L. Katz
Jon Knowles

Get the latest news and updates in remote viewing research, including pivotal projects and findings not yet published. Some of the news stories will include: A summary of results of an ectoplasm RV project and Roswell projects, preliminary findings from the IRVA Research Unit’s Survey entitled, “Do remote viewers know when they are on target?” and juicy tidbits from our explorations through the Edwin C. May Laboratories for Fundamental Research papers, located at Rice University, Fondren Library. This will include a comparison between the remote viewing related files found there and those located at the Ingo Swann Archives located at University of West Georgia’s Special Collections in the Irvine Sullivan Ingram Library. Also hear the latest updates on IRVA research unit’s accomplishments & activities to date and future plans, and other community RV news.