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Speaker Bio

Daqing (Daching) Piao received his BS in Physics in 1990 from Tsinghua University, an MS in Biomedical Engineering in 2001 from the University of Connecticut, and a PhD in Biomedical Engineering in 2003 from the University of Connecticut. He joined the faculty at Oklahoma State University in 2005 and is now a professor in the School of Electrical and Computer Engineering. His research centers on applying light-tissue interaction principles for identifying and modulating tissue properties. A significant part of his research involves modeling the interaction between light and complex media. He has a strong interest in understanding the neurophysiological examinability of phenomena associated with non-normal states of consciousness. He recently completed a year-long remote viewing project in which he developed a new rating system and served as a remote viewer himself in all trials, gaining an awareness of what makes more interesting targets. This was published in the Journal for Scientific Exploration.

Abstract: On the susceptibility of matter to mind

This talk hypothesizes to model mind-matter interaction by introducing a susceptibility property of a “matter” that responds to the degree-of-coherence of neuronal activities associated with a “mind”. The theory aims to propose what kind of neurophysiological markers could exist for correlating with the onset of anomalous information requisition such as that found in remote viewing.