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Speaker Bio

David Morehouse, Ph.D., is an international bestselling author, speaker, and educator. He served as a Special Operations Infantry Officer in the U.S. Army, commanding the Army’s only separate Airborne Rifle Company, an Airborne Ranger Company, and an (Interim) Airborne Infantry Battalion. General Officers and Commanders at brigade and battalion levels identified him as a superior leader and a consummate trainer of the soldiers serving with him in his units.
During his military career, he served in three Top Secret Special Access Programs: the Intelligence Support Activity (I.S.A.) code named Royal Cape (aka, “The Activity”); the CIA/DIA Remote Viewing unit codenamed Sun Streak (aka “Star Gate”); a Strategic Deception unit codenamed Torn Image as a counter-narcotics deception officer to disrupt the drug cartels in Colombia with a self-sustaining inter and intra-cartel war.
A decorated Cold War veteran, he brings unique perspectives gained from his military, scientific, and business experience to any audience, empowering teams and individuals to discover their untapped potential. https://davidmorehouse.org/

Abstract: Awakening the Potential Within

Description: David Morehouse, Ph.D. and his business partner, William Lam, are combining their disciplines to create a dynamic synergy of innovation and empowerment at this groundbreaking lecture: UPGRD® and Quantum Mind Revolution™ (QMindRev™). This presentation, brought to you by UPGRD® and Dr. David Morehouse (QMindRev™) is tailor-made to empower Viewers of all levels, shedding light on the profound significance of UPGRD® Level V: Omniscience. In this lecture, Dr. Morehouse will discuss the new alignment of RV (QMindRev™) with a redesigned version of NLP (UPGRD®) encompassing seven tiers of training with Dr. David Morehouse, augmented by strategic “accelerants” from William Lam. Now, these visionary leaders converge to deliver an unparalleled seminar experience, offering a fusion of knowledge and practical application like never before. This new vision and the reasons for it will be expressed in this lecture. Dr. Morehouse is committed to unlocking human potential through the transformative art and science of RV’s QMindRev™. William Lam’s UPGRD® stands at the forefront of self and professional enhancement, dedicated to ‘upgrading humanity’ through its avant-garde methodologies designed to the OS for the mind, prioritizing user-friendliness and efficacy in navigating the inner landscape. Join us in this lecture to learn about a transformation journey and empowerment for personal and professional growth!