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Speaker Bio

Mr. Gregory C. Radabaugh is the President and CEO of Gray Bear Consulting LLC. Before his retirement from government service, he was a member of the Department of Defense Senior Executive Service and served as the Director of the Joint Information Operations Warfare Center (JIOWC), a Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff (CJCS) Controlled Activity (CCA). He directed over 230 personnel, enabling the application of informational power at the strategic level, executing informational power at the operational and tactical levels, and performing CJCS responsibilities for Joint Enterprise Information Operations proponency, operations security, and military deception in global operations.
Prior to his role as JIOWC Director, he was the Chief of Cyber Operations and Cyber Policy for the then Air Force Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance Agency (AFISRA—now the 16th Air Force). He entered the Air Force as an enlisted linguist in 1974, flying reconnaissance missions overseas. He was commissioned in 1979 and served in a variety of service and national-level positions. He left active duty and joined the civil service in 1989, serving in multiple national-level agencies. He remained part of the Air Force Reserve until his retirement in 2004. He was an Intermediate Nuclear Force and Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty (INF/START) arms control inspector from 1989 to 1995 and was designated an Intelligence Community Officer in 2003. An expert in information operations, special operations, and cyberspace operations, he has lectured at the John F. Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University, the Bush School of Government and Public Service at Texas A&M University, and at numerous conferences both at home and abroad.

Abstract: Intelligence: The Environment That Birthed Remote Viewing

Description: Ever wondered what kind of environment gave rise to remote viewing? This presentation introduces the intelligence discipline and an overview of the intelligence community for those who have never worked in this world. You will discover the meanings behind intelligence jargon, the various data collection capabilities that feed intelligence analysis, and how remote viewing fit into this unique domain.