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Sponsorships cover both conferences and are available for only $750 and include:

All sponsors for the conference must be preapproved and IRVA has the right to deny sponsorship if the applicant is in violation of the principles of community, is not grounded in truth, or is promoting something that is not in alignment with the organization’s goals or best interests in present time.

  • Half size page ad in Aperture for two consecutive issues
  • Rotating banner ads for online conference at various times
  • Mention by conference host thanking sponsors at both online and in person
  • Table in conference room
  • Ad in in person conference brochure
  • Ads on conference website
  • Logos in MailChimp’s newsletter
  • Free entry to online conference
  • Acknowledgement during private cocktail party on cruise

Become a sponsor: Select the Buy Tickets option on the event payment page.

Then choose the sponsorship option at checkout.