location: Main Conference Room
6 Myths about Psychic Detective Work
After 26 years in the field of psychic detective work, Pam has made some fascinating discoveries. She will share the truths about the work and dispel common myths the public holds about the field.
Getting the Viewer to the Target: How Does it Really Work?
Getting the viewer to the target: The history of coordinates, target reference numbers, tags, etc.: how they work, and a humble suggestion for a better, more accurate term.
PK Group Experiments & Experiences
As a part of the Banquet, we will have a PK party where in person participants will practice their PK within a live group setting.
Outbounder Remote Viewing Group Session
At every IRVA remote viewing conference we host an outbounder remote viewing experience. But instead of a single remote viewer, there is a whole roomful of them. Join us for this fun and satisfying remote viewing experience.
What Are the New, Vastly Higher Traditional Sensory Potentials and What Does it Mean for Remote Sensing?
Maureen advocates for a more natural approach to sentience and believe invasive augmentation is unnecessary and dangerous, suggesting that remote viewers can benefit from the latest research into traditional sensory potentials to better avail themselves of the many biological channels they use for their work.
Longitudinal research on children with memories of past lives: a follow-up study.
Dr. Pehlivanova will give an overview of the landmark work performed by the department of Perceptual Studies at the University of Virginia.
A 40-year history of The Monroe Institute
From Robert A. Monroe’s ground-breaking 1978 book, Journeys Out of the Body, Monroe Institute has a 40-year history of exploring the outer reaches of human consciousness.
Brainwave Magic that Unleashes Your Superpowers
Your Superpowers are not supernatural. They are accessible to everyone. It is just a matter of focused attention – fine-tuning the receiving channel.
The Situation Room: Remote Viewing Research News Flash
The Situation Room: Remote Viewing Research News Flash
Formal, Applied, Archival, & Community Updates — Debra Lynne Katz, Ph.D., joined by Jon Knowles & other guest reporters
Remote Viewing Game Night & Meet & Greet
open to all conference attendees