Class Type: Saturday Morning
6 Myths about Psychic Detective Work
After 26 years in the field of psychic detective work, Pam has made some fascinating discoveries. She will share the truths about the work and dispel common myths the public holds about the field.
Panel Discussion: Expanding on Consciousness
In this intriguing Panel Discussion, the Monroe Institute’s research team will share details of their work, which endeavors to explore these phenomena of OBE’s through a longitudinal data collection approach.
The Quadruple Murders of Moscow, Idaho
The small college town of Moscow, Idaho was stunned and horrified by the murders of four University of Idaho students on November 13, 2022. Sublime Remote Viewers and associates produced information that filled multiple reports, all submitted to the authorities in the investigation.
Remote Viewing and AI: Applications for Monitoring, Scoring and Beyond
This talk will present novel methods for using AI to enhance or potentially automate remote viewing procedures like target feature extraction for multi-modal scoring, monitoring and more.